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Understanding the Impact of Cigars on Oral Health

Our dentist explained that smoking cigars can lead to various oral health issues, primarily due to the vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the mouth. This constriction reduces blood flow, making it harder for the body to fight bacteria, thereby increasing the risk of periodontal disease. This irreversible condition can cause bone loss and gum recession, leading to loose teeth.

One common concern among cigar smokers is teeth staining. While stains can be removed with professional cleaning, the real threat lies in the underlying periodontal structures. The dentist emphasized the importance of saliva in maintaining oral health. Saliva helps remineralize teeth, wash away bacteria, and fight decay. Unfortunately, smoking dries out the mouth, reducing saliva production and increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Cigar Smokers' Dental Guide: Tips from a Dentist

Tips for Cigar Smokers to Maintain Oral Health

1. Regular Brushing and Flossing:
Brush your teeth twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste. An electric toothbrush can be more effective in removing plaque and stains. Flossing daily is essential, but the dentist recommended using a Waterpik for deeper cleaning between teeth and gums.

2. Stay Hydrated and Chew Sugar-Free Gum:
To combat dry mouth caused by smoking, drink plenty of water and chew sugar-free gum, preferably xylitol-based, to stimulate saliva production.

3. Use Mouthwash:
Incorporate a good mouthwash into your routine to help fight bad breath and maintain oral hygiene. The dentist mentioned brands like Scope and SmartMouth as effective options.

4. Regular Dental Visits:
Schedule regular dental check-ups, ideally every six months. For smokers, more frequent visits may be necessary to monitor and manage any potential issues. Ensure your dentist performs an oral cancer screening during your visits.

The Risks of Combining Cigars and Alcohol

Many cigar enthusiasts enjoy pairing their cigars with alcoholic beverages. However, the combination can be particularly harmful. The dentist pointed out that alcohol, often consumed alongside cigars, can amplify the harmful effects on oral tissues, increasing the risk of oral cancer. Regular screenings and vigilant monitoring are crucial for early detection and prevention.


While smoking cigars carries inherent health risks, taking proactive steps can help mitigate the impact on your oral health. By following these tips and maintaining regular dental visits, you can enjoy your cigars while keeping your teeth and gums in good shape. Remember, your oral health is a crucial part of your overall well-being.

Stay tuned to Cigars Daily for more health tips and insightful conversations about enjoying cigars responsibly. Join the community on Cigars Daily Plus for exclusive content and discussions. This is Tim, signing off with the doc. See you in the comments!

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