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Best Dental Veneers

Are you longing for a flawless, captivating smile that exudes confidence? Are you unhappy with the aesthetics of your teeth due to discolouration, chips, cracks, gaps, or irregularities ? Then dental veneers offer a life-changing solution.

What exactly are dental veneers?

Whether you have a significant event on the horizon or simply wish to enhance your self-confidence, our dental veneer treatments will grant you the dream smile you’ve always desired.

Pristine Smiles Dental Care offers two types of veneers: Porcelain and Composite veneers.

Porcelain veneers are thin tooth-colored shells made of porcelain that are bonded to the front of your teeth to enhance their appearance instantly. Many of our patients have been overwhelmed by emotion when they’ve seen the fabulous changes to the shape, color, and size of their teeth with veneers. And so have we! Porcelain veneers can enhance and correct many smile flaws, including:

  • Discolored or worn teeth
  • Crooked or misalign teeth
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Gaps between teeth


Composite veneers utilize tooth-colored resin that is skillfully contoured and bonded to your teeth resulting in an impeccably tailored smile. Both options provide remarkable results, precisely suiting your unique preferences.

Not sure about the final result?? Don’t worry; we shall assist you with a mock- up in your mouth or a digital mock-up to see the end result before you decide to start with the treatment. Your fabulous new smile is waiting. Restore your smile and confidence. Contact us today.

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